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CRTS Ⅱ型板式无砟轨道轨道板预制与铺设技术(英文)
暂无评分 作者:李昌宁主编 出版社:中国铁道出版社 出版日期:2017年08月 ISBN:978-7-113-23395-2 中图分类:U213.2;U238 ( 交通运输 > 铁路运输 > 铁路线路工程 > 线路构造 > 轨道 )
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封面 书名页 版权页 前言 目录页 1 Overview of CRTSⅡ Slab Ballastless Track Structure 1.1 Structure of CRTS Ⅱ Track on Bridge 1.2 Structure of CRTS Ⅱ Slab Ballastless Track on Subgrade 1.3 Structure of CRTS Ⅱ Slab Ballastless Track in Tunnel 1.4 Flow of Construction Technology for CRTS Ⅱ Slab Ballastless Track 2 Prefabrication Production of CRTS Ⅱ Track Slab 2.1 Basic Structural Requirement for Track Slab Yard 2.2 Tooling Equipment Configuration 2.3 Organization Management for Track Slab Construction 2.4 Material Management of Track Slab Yard 2.5 Process Flow of CRTS Ⅱ Track Slab 2.6 Key Points of Critical Processes 2.7 Concrete Slab Construction Operation 2.8 Quality Control 3 Subgrade Surface Treatment and Acceptance 3.1 Beam Surface Treatment and Acceptance 3.2 Acceptance of Subgrade Surface and Tunnel Foundation Construction 3.3 Quality Control 4 Waterproof Layer Construction 4.1 System Structure of Waterproof Layer 4.2 Construction Procedure and Technological Process 4.3 Process Conditions for Spraying Construction 4.4 Construction Method 4.5 Inspection Acceptance 4.6 Construction Preparation of Waterproof Layer 4.7 Organization of Construction Workers 4.8 Quality Control 5 Construction of Sliding Layer and Extruded Sheet 5.1 Construction Technology Process 5.2 Extruded Sheet Laying 5.3 Construction of“Two Fabrics One Film”Sliding Layer 5.4 Personnel Allocation for Working Face 5.5 Configuration of Machine and Equipment 5.6 Quality Control 6 Construction of Bed Plate on Bridge 6.1 Unit Division,Surveying and Setting out for Bed Plate Construction 6.2 Shear Alveolar Treatment and Shear Nail Installation 6.3 Steel Bar Tying 6.4 Fabrication and Installation of Steel Plate Connector 6.5 Construction of Bed Plate Formwork 6.6 Concrete Pouring and Curing 6.7 Construction of Longitudinal Tensioning Connection for Bed Plate 6.8 Quality Control 7 Construction of Supporting Layer for Subgrade and Tunnel 7.1 Construction Process Flow of Supporting Layer for Subgrade and Tunnel 7.2 Construction of Supporting Layer Surface 7.3 Personnel Allocation 7.4 Machine and Equipment Allocation 7.5 Construction of Fixed Terminal Spine and Friction Boardon Subgrade 7.6 Quality Control 8 Track Slab Laying and Fine Adjustment 8.1 Process Flow for Track Slab Laying and Fine Adjustment 8.2 Track Slab Transport and Temporary Storage 8.3 Track Slab Rough Laying 8.4 Track Slab Rough Adjustment 8.5 Track Slab Fine Adjustment 8.6 Quality Control 9 Cement Emulsified Asphalt Mortar Pouring 9.1 Pouring Process of Cement Emulsified Asphalt Mortar 9.2 Construction Preparation before Pouring 9.3 Preparation and Transport of Cement Emulsified Asphalt Mortar 9.4 Quality Control 10 Construction of Lateral Baffle 10.1 Construction Preparation 10.2 Construction Technology of Lateral Baffle 10.3 Quality Control References 封底 ..更多
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